What is the difference between Medicare Supplement and Medicare Advantage?

What is Medicare Annual Election Period?
This is a yearly period of time that is October 15th – December 7th where those with a Prescription Drug Plan can compare to other plans to start January 1st. It is recommended comparing these during this period of time as prescription copay amounts can vary widely from plan to plan. It is not uncommon to see substantial differences from one plan to the next if you are taking multiple medications. Click Videos to see How to Find & Compare Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans.
During the Annual Election Period, if you have a Medicare Advantage plan you should review the cost in premium, deductible, and copayments for benefits including but not limited to inpatient hospital costs, outpatient surgical costs, physical therapy, cancer radiation, and chemotherapy treatments. Also, while they can change at any time, confirm your doctor and hospital are in network.
When can I disenroll from a Medicare Advantage Plan?
If it is your first time ever being on a Medicare Advantage plan you can disenroll anytime in the first 12 months of being on the plan. Otherwise, you can disenroll from a Medicare Advantage plan during October 15th to December 7th. There is also Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Period which is January 1st to February 14th. There are other situations where you can disenroll from a Medicare Advantage plan any time of the year. Contact Senior Savings Services at 1-800-592-0819 to review the options in your situation.